The history of Knox and where we are now

Our Calling


Knox is a seminary in the tradition of the Reformation that exists to educate men and women to declare and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Knox Theological Seminary will equip students from nations across the globe with the knowledge and skills needed to be ministry leaders in the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Knox education will be marked by its consistency with Reformational theology, theological depth, practical applicability in world-wide cultures, and evangelistic aim. The Seminary will provide online and residential courses to train students already engaged in a vocational or ministerial role, as well as those interested in full-time residential studies. Knox students will be united by their affirmation of the Apostles’ Creed but come from diverse Christian theological traditions, and will desire to grow in their knowledge of God for the purpose of serving Christ by proclaiming the Gospel to unbelievers and discipling those who already believe.


To train men and women for full-time Gospel ministry and to enrich and enable all laypersons who seek to become more knowledgeable and effective in their own personal ministries - preparing leaders of the 21st century, emphasizing the application of scripture to all aspects of our culture and providing them with excellent academic instruction and guidance.

A Mission With A Purpose

In obedience to the Great Commission and desiring to meet the need for laborers in the harvest – in our nation and indeed , the world — Dr. D. James Kennedy and leaders of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church met in 1989 to establish a seminary faithful to the entire Word of God. Knox Theological Seminary is the fulfillment of those dreams.

A Knox education develops both mind and heart. Instruction and inspiration are given by godly, caring scholars and teachers who are concerned that the historic Christian faith is both conceptually understood and passionately embraced. We seek to provide students with nothing less than the integration of solid Biblical, historical, and practical theology with true spirituality, enabling these men and women to become leaders of the church and society.

Knox Theological Seminary combines a rigorous theological education with effectual leadership training. The administration and faculty are committed to the truths of Reformed theology: the Sovereignty of God, the inerrancy of His Word, and the Great Commission.

The theological perspective from which training is offered is that of historic Reformed theology as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Students from other evangelical perspectives are encouraged to apply and are heartily welcomed.

This foundation of education enables our students to discharge a variety of functions in God’s kingdom, such as pastoral work, counseling, evangelism, missions, church planting, establishing Christian schools, and media ministries.

Blog and News

Coming Soon: New Training Modules to Equip Local Churches
A Sustainable Model for Training Ministry Leaders
Black History, Black Theology, and the Black Church
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About us

Knox is a seminary in the tradition of the Reformation that exists to educate men and women to declare and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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